Thursday, February 16, 2012

Loving the Self (A Male Perspective)

The late great Whitney Houston sang the lyrics “Learning to love yourself, it is the GREATEST love of all!”  Frankly, through personal trial and error, I have to say I strongly agree with her. Self-love, not to be confused with conceit or selfishness, is in my professional and personal opinion one of the major factors in man’s (or woman’s) lovability. In other words I strongly believe that person is limiting themselves on how they can receive love from someone else if they don’t first learn how to love themselves. This may be a tough pill to swallow for some, but I encourage you to open up your mind and heart to receive this. We often read and hear of major ways to build our relationship with others, but we rarely focus on reason and ways to love ourselves. Here are a few reasons on why we should learn to love ourselves:

•           If we learn how to properly love and appreciate ourselves, we’re more likely to truly see and appreciate when others do.

•           We’ll be less likely to become needed of pats on the back and accolades, because we know our worth.

•           We’ll have a better chance of recognizing when other people are actually more upset with themselves and/or their situations but are just taking it out on us.

•           We’ll be less likely to put ourselves in harm’s way.

•           We’ll want better for ourselves in LIFE, LOVE & LABORS.

Of course there are plenty of other reasons for us to learn how to love and appreciate ourselves, but by now I think you get my drift.  I have unfortunately seen quite a few relationships take nasty turns not because one or the other person necessarily did something wrong, but more so because one person was not in tune with themselves and was completely relying on the partner to make up the slack. YES, in relationships of all kinds it does take 2 to tango (as they say) but if one of the 2 or (God forbid) both of them are not in a space of self love, appreciation and empowerment that particular relationship has a greater chance of problems and pitfalls.  So how do you do it? What are some ways that we can learn to love and appreciate ourselves? Well it all boils down to building a solid FOUNDATION:

Forgive yourself – If you can learn to do this, you will have released a great weight from your life.

Open your heart -  Many of us are holding onto some things we need to let go so they be replaced with some good things we’re blocking out.

Unlock your full potential – For many people there is more to us than meets the eye. Take some chances on pushing yourself to live a little more.

Never tear yourself down - Life can be hard enough without us being an open enemy to ourselves.

Dream out loud – There are some things inside of you that you need to let come out. For no one else but YOU!

Appreciate your greatness – Each of us was created with our own measure of greatness, it’s time for you to learn to appreciate yours.

Take time out for YOU! -  Self quality time for self is important. You can’t be good for anyone else if you haven’t been good to you.

Incorporate self-celebration – Find ways to reward yourself on a regular basis. It doesn’t have to be anything big, but something that you do for yourself to reward your great work.

Overlook the simple minded – Strive not to get caught up in the “minors” of others. Developing this loving foundation may be above what others are willing to give themselves. Let that be their issue!

Never feel unworthy – No matter what you’ve been through in your past always remember you are an amazing individual with a daily opportunity for greatness. You are worthy of all the love you can give you and so much more.

Building this self-love F.O.U.N.D.A.T.I.O.N may take a little work at first, but anything worth having really does. The amazing and good part is that once you build such a foundation, chances are anything else you build on or around it (ie: other relationships) will become solid as well. Are you ready? LET’S GO!

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