Thursday, February 9, 2012

Love Through Gratitude

Enza is a spirit of love and we are so grateful to have her as this week’s guest blog. Please join Enza on Facebook at

► "Whatever happens, whether blessing or challenge,

√ Find your heartbeat and

√ Tune into the LOVE frequency

√ Join the 'dance of love, the dance of life’

√ For dawn breaks each day,

√ And dusk falls each night

√ And so too, the seasons of your life

√ Will resonate to the cycles of destiny

√ Blossoming like flowers in the garden of your soul!

✔ "Love & Gratitude is all you need

✔  Forgive yourself & others

✔  Embrace love,

✔ Adopt an attitude of gratitude &

✔  Attract unconditional love into your life


"Everyday, as dawn breaks, awaken to the beauty that lies ahead, another wonderful day. Begin the day with passion. Invite into your life, through the power of intention all that serves your highest good.

With an attitude of gratitude, embrace with grace all that destiny shares – blessings and challenges alike. Put out the intention through visualization that only the highest energy enter your circle of influence.

Ask the divinity within to give you both the awareness and courage to act with love whatever your encounter as the day evolves.

Start each day forgiving yourself and others , releasing the emotions that weigh the karmic wheel of fortune down, leaving only the lessons to be mastered.

Have kind thoughts towards all who you encounter and whenever the opportunity arises, share the love that you are in all you feel, think, say & do.

What is gratitude?

It is the gift of embracing all with grace, with an attitude of gratitude.

What is an attitude of gratitude?

It is the art of seeing beauty & love in all that is transcending the terrestrial senses and searching for the beauty that is soul deep. It is the gift of seeing the love seed in all that is & accentuating the light in any darkness.

How would one describe a soul that exemplifies an attitude of gratitude?

The soul who embraces each day with passion finding opportunity in every challenge and a lesson in the power of love through gratitude in every blessing. As fear and love are mutually exclusive, so too gratitude and ego.  This means that being grateful makes fear dissolve and disappear. When gratitude dissolves fear, the door of abundance opens and invites us in. Forgiveness just happens. Resentment, blame, judgement melt away as they are washed over and cleansed with the elixir of love.

Whatever challenges you face – embrace them with love for love always has the answer!  The soul that lives according to this philosophy – embraces each day as another day of miracle manifestation, understanding that just as a gardener must await the season of harvest, so too the seasons of challenges precede the harvest of divinely orchestrated miracles.  And miracles unfold when the time is ripe. This is the opposite of what happens to a fear driven individual who draws fear from the past & projects it into the future, colouring the present with shades of grey rather than the kaleidoscope of rainbow colours, the full spectrum of the light image that we are, weathering every storm awaiting for the sun to shine and give birth to the wonder that awaits. Every moment in life is a miracle in progress so be sure to enjoy each breath, each moment.

How does gratitude & love facilitate life’s lessons?

Think back to the best teachers you had in life, the ones that moved you to tears with their kindness, patience and unconditional love. Think back to the passion & motivation to learn that they inspired in you for everything you did was an achievement and every achievement was commended. From this we can see that the best teachers in the world are boundless and generous in their encouragement – who are beyond labels and criticism. These are the teachers that touch our hearts, that connect with our souls, that forever nurture endearing emotions in the memories of our lessons . We can only look back with an attitude of gratitude and embrace with grace the passion and love they shared with the knowledge imparted with love and dedication. More than the intellectual facts, what remains is the heart & soul of the special teacher that left us with a gift invisible to the naked eye but unforgettable and magical when viewed through the window of our soul.

What are the fruits of gratitude through love?

When we approach life with an attitude of gratitude, the picture we paint on the canvas of our soul has all the colours of the rainbow and invites abundance and all it represents into our lives, one breath at a time.

In the infinity of possibilities that the universe offers, visualise and connect with the magic that is – the boundless, eternal love that invites us to continue dreams as we awaken each day – to live the life we love and love the life we live. We soon come to realise that all moments are special – they are the flowers that colour our life experiences. Whether challenges or blessings, all experiences, all events, all who come into our life serve a purpose in the evolution of our soul, in the weaving of our unique tapestry of life.

Gratitude invites us to nurture the garden of our souls with petals of faith and raindrops of love as we observe the wonders that mother nature shares. We appreciate the sun, the moon, the rain, the wind and everything in between for collectively

we are living the magic of the forest of our being as it evolves into the masterpiece of the universe, one jigsaw puzzle at a time. We are but one small piece in the oneness that unites us all. If we but invite the divinity within us to give us a peek at the bigger picture through soulful awareness and faith that all is – is as it is - for a reason, then we resonate at a frequency of higher consciousness, seeing our place in the bigger picture which we are all part of.

Gratitude invites us to practice the art of self love and healing each and every day and this involves the gift of self forgiveness and love.  Each and every day, call on your higher consciousness to make spiritually aligned soul choices through the tongue of intuition. Learn the language of the soul which communicates its wisdom in the silences between our thoughts. Make time to allow for those gaps in time when rest & wisdom connect and spark magical thoughts that enlighten us as wise thoughts reach you. They are yours for the learning if we but dedicate a part of our day to listen soulfully. Remember that the law of quantum physics facilitates the magic of attracting ‘real’ dreams aligned with soulful intent.

When the soul invites abundance into our lives, it is inviting riches that are invisible to the naked eye, celestial jewels that terrestrial eyes will grasp only with lenses that transcend the physical. If it is invisible to the naked eye, it has the potential to belong to the realm of spiritual affluence.

What invisible treasures we may ask are immaterial?

Love, joy, a smile, friendship, love making, a gesture of kindness, caring. These are the gifts that touch our souls to spiritually connect to others and invite us to share the love that we are. All souls can share these gifts – they are the gifts of the divine – of our higher consciousness.

In the ocean of abundance that we are all part of, the drop that we are connects with the many other drops to channel the tides of mother nature into the magical miracle that just is.  Each act of love ripples in the waters of the universe, so we all truly do make a difference, one person, one gesture of kindness, one word of encouragement, at a time.

An attitude of gratitude through love in all that you think, say, feel and do will be the magic wand that sparkles fairy dust from the soul tops of our higher beings to fertilise the seeds of love that are gratuitously blown into the garden of our soul by the winds of our imagination. Invite imagination & intuition to be the compass of the soul and connect with the realm of all possibilities, of omnipotence in the galaxy of unconditional love transcending time and space forevermore. Transcend the limitations of the human mind and invite the soul to take you on a journey of a lifetime experiencing the delight of infinite possibilities and living the life one loves as one loves the life one lives. This is the reward of living life with gratitude and love. Namasté. ~Enza Currenti~ © 2012

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