Friday, February 10, 2012

Foodie Friday: Feature: Tricia's Outrageously Delicious Strawberry Shortcake

©     1 Lb. Soft Tofu©     2 Lbs. Extra Firm Tofu (Pressed & Drained)
©     2 Tbs. Sunflower Oil©     ½ Lb. Organic Sweet Butter (Softened)
©     3 Tbs. Fresh Lemon Juice©     1 Tsp. Lemon Juice
©     1 Tsp. Sea Salt©     3 Tsp. Lemon Extract (Glycerine Based)
©     4 Tbs. Arrowroot©     1 ¾ -2 Cups Organic Brown Rice Syrup
©     1 Tsp. Vanilla©     5 Organic Eggs – (Add One At a Time & Blend)

Procedure: In a food processor, blend the following ingredients well: extra firm tofu, soft tofu, sunflower oil, lemon juice, and sea salt.  Add brown rice syrup and blend well, again.  Transfer mixture to a large mixing bowl and add butter, arrowroot, vanilla, (1 Tsp) lemon juice, lemon extract and mix with a handheld mixer.  Lastly, add one egg at a time and blend with the hand mixer until you have mixed in all 5 eggs.

Spray or lightly butter a 10-inch springform pan and bake at 375 degrees in a bath of warm water for approximately 1-1.5 hours (until golden on top).  Leave in oven to cool with the door open for about 20-30 minutes.  When completely cooled, top with a quality strawberry jam, fresh strawberries and fresh kiwi.  Enjoy!

Serves: Many




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