We often go about our day in our own little world, just trying to get through our "to-do lists" and unaware of how powerfully we impact others' lives. Today, stop and acknowledge someone for a job well done, whether it be your significant other, child, colleague, friend or even stranger. You never know what something as simple as acknowlegment means to the person who is receiving it.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
Is Life Getting in the Way of Love in Your Life
How many times have you said to yourself or someone else “I know I was supposed to do so and so, but life got in the way”. I hear it all to often. In fact, I SAY it all to often. This weekend I participated in some Communication work with the Landmark Education Center here in Atlanta, and I really got clear that I was setting the stage for all of the relationships in my life by how I was communicating. I really got that I was the one who was creating powerful communication is some areas and chaotic communication in others; I was not a victim of Life, I was creating it. This morning as I was preparing my breakfast a friend came to mind and I decided to pick up the phone and call her. As I was leaving her a message on her voicemail, I preceded to say that I think of calling her often but “life gets in the way” and then I caught myself. I then declared that I was not going to let life get in the way of our connection any longer.
How many times have you thought of someone you loved, and then forgotten to call because “life got in the way”?
How many times have you thought of a dream you’d like to pursue, but “life got in the way”?
How many times have you broken a promise because “life got in the way?”
The truth is, Life does NOT get in the way, WE PUT “Life” in the way.
We use “Life” as an excuse so that we don’t have to take responsibility for that which we truly want, and then DO something about it.
We are the ones who chose to let go of our dreams.
We are the ones who chose career over spouse and/or family.
We are the ones who chose work over friends and social life.
We are the ones who chose not to make time for exercise.
We are the ones who chose to be too busy to call the people you love.
We are the ones who chose to continue to eat fast food.
We are the ones who chose to WAIT until things were perfect to move forward.
We are the ones…not LIFE who chose all of these things….
Let me be clear, I’m not making it wrong that life gets in the way, it’s just something to recognize. “Life gets in the way”, causes us to put off all of the things and people we love and then we die….or worse, SOMEONE ELSE dies. Then we are left feeling regretful of that which we wish we had done or said.
It’s time that we take responsibility for not only our LIFE but for our LOVE and FULFILLMENT.
There are many ways to do that, but one of the most powerful ways to begin is ACKNOWLEDGMENT. This is acknowledging ourselves and others. Acknowledgement is as easy as saying “thank you”, “good job”, “I love you”, or as simple as giving someone a hug, picking up the phone and letting someone know you are thinking about them, and even in the digital age, sending them a text with a loving message. We often overlook the power and generosity that acknowledgment brings to our lives and the lives of others.
In the month of February, we are focusing on developing a daily practice of LOVE in our lives. This includes being loving to ourselves as well as appreciating and being loving towards others.
THIS WEEK’S CHALLENGE: Be Generous and Powerful this week by Acknowledging at least 2 people in your life (personal or work) every day. If you think you don’t have anything to acknowledge the people in your life for, you are not looking hard enough. Look at the things you take for granted. Say thank you, I love you, Good job, I appreciate you. Give a hug, send a text or an email, post a message on a Facebook page. And when the week is over, don’t let the acknowlegement stop. Remember that these challenges are an access to creating lasting new behaviors that give you more fulfillment in all areas of your life!
Join the challenge! Visit www.drmaiysha.com daily and connect with us through Facebook and Twitter for daily inspirations and dialogue about your and others successes and challenges each week.
Maiysha Clairborne MD
Copyright 1/23/12
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Responsible Career
Ask your boss for a raise. If you are a business owner, evaluate your income streams and consider taking your business to the next level in whatever way that may look.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Foodie Friday! Feature: White Bean Chili
Southwestern White Bean Soup
1 1/2 cups of Northern White Beans
3 Stalks of Celery
6 carrots
1/2 Onion chopped coarsely
3 Cloves Garlic
1 cup of white corn (off the cob, ~ 3 cobs)
6 Ripe Vine or Roma Tomatoes cut in quarters
1 Green Bell Pepper chopped coarsely
2 dried Ancho or Chipotle Chilis
1 tsp Ancho Chili powder
1/4 tsp of grated ginger
1/4 cup fresh chopped oregano
1/4 cup fresh chopped basil
4 cups of water
*** Optional - Add already browned ground turkey, ground chicken, or Textured Vegetable Protein for substance.
Prep time: 30 min
Cook time: 60-90 min (30-45 min if pressure cooker used)
Bring water to boil and add White Navy beans. Boil on medium high heat for 45-60 min until beans are soft, but not overly mushy. As the beans boil, continue to check water levels to avoid burning. Add the chopped vegetables (celery, tomatoes, onion, garlic, green pepper, chili peppers, chili powder, and corn). If adding meat or TVP, add here (having it already browned before adding). Continue to simmer on medium heat for 20 - 25 min. If the water level has decreased from cooking, add 1 - 2 cups to desired consistency. Continue to simmer on low for 15 - 20 min. Salt & Pepper to desired taste.
Serves 8-10
Serving size 1 1/2 cups
Thursday, January 26, 2012
In order to live a healthier lifestyle, no matter what life changes you are wanting to make, it begins with your mind. If you want to be successful you must first release any negative thoughts and de-clutter, giving yourself a mental detox. If you start with a clear mind your body will follow.
Here are a few steps to assist while making your lifestyle change.
• Set realistic goals: Whatever change you are making, be sure to keep them within reach or else you will lose motivation and soon give up. Simple change over time can make a big difference.
• Get a journal: A journal will help you keep track of your daily habits, even if you fall off track a little, still make note of it, as it will assist you in the long run when you need to tweak something to get back on track.
• Positive/Negative Effect: Thinking Positive; if you say, I will get up an hour earlier to get on the elliptical; you are drawing positive energy towards you. Thinking Negative: If you say, maybe I should get on the elliptical after work, because I'm not a really a morning person, you are starting off drawing negative energy into your life, that negative energy will sometimes linger. So think positive - Positive - Positive Out - Negative in - Negative Out.
• Commitment: When making lifestyle changes you have to be committed to the goal(s) you set for yourself in order to see them through. Commitment takes dedication and motivation toward something you feel strongly about doing. Do not make a commitment to something that you don't feel strongly about - evaluate your circumstances and make sure the goals that you are setting are the best goals for you.
• Motivation: Motivation is key in a lifestyle change. Find out what motivates you and stick with it. Write little motivational notes to yourself and post them around - on the bathroom mirror, in your car, at the office. Partner up with someone who has similar goals that way it will be easier for you both to stick with it.
• Reward: Reward yourself for small accomplishments; acknowledge your success, which will lead to greater self-confidence and self-motivation.
Remember ---> it takes 21 days to form a habit ---> Stick with it you can DO IT!
Kisha L. Townsend - Founder and Facilitator of the Curve City Divas is an inspiration to hundreds of women around the country. She is committed to encouraging, educating and empowering others to take hold of their health and life so that they can live the best life possible. Kisha Townsend is a loving mother and wife; certified herbalist, health educator mentor and philanthropist, who has a great passion for and committed to helping others live a life of purpose. She is a board member of a youth council in, Wylie, Texas. Kisha, is also the Creator of GirlFriendz' TotallyYou website, which sparked two great entities, like CurveCityDivas’ and SpitzVille Kafe’ dedicated to motivating educating empowering inspiring and uplifting women and their families everywhere! Her hobbies include, reading, writing, laughing, dancing, listening to music and simply having fun. Spending quality time with family and friends is priceless. I am grateful to have her as our guest blogger for the week!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
False Evidence Appearing Real
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Are You Doing What You Love?
Are you doing what you love? If you are spending more than a third of your day in a job or career that you only "tolerate" it's time you take a look at your purpose. Create a list of things that bring you joy. Is there something on that list that could become an income stream?
Monday, January 23, 2012
You Have Choices
In our lives it’s easy to become a victim of our circumstance. It’s easy to say, “I’m just a product of my environment”, “I just have to deal with my job/ boss/ husband / wife/ significant other. What we fail to realize in these statements of resignation is that many others have similar circumstances as we do, and have a different view…a view of hope and empowerment. Although at some point we may have been a victim of our life circumstances, after time we become volunteers. We choose to continue to be cynical and resigned. We choose to hold on to old belief systems that are clearly not working for us, and the worse thing is that when someone tries to challenge these old, destructive belief systems we fight to the death to hold on to them…to be right, to be justified in our thoughts, feelings, and actions.
But if you are willing to really look at yourself, ask the following questions:
- What has complaining really ever gotten me in my life?
- When has blaming other people, situations, or institution solved an issue and created happiness and fulfillment in my life?
- How are my limiting beliefs, justifications, desires to be liked, noticed, right or have the last say with everything and everyone really helping me move forward?
- When has taking ANOTHER person’s inventory really done any good in my life or the life of another?
If you truly feel that you have nothing to transform in this area, then you can stop reading this article right now. However, if you see that there may be room for growth in this area then you have already taken a monstrous step…a willingness to let go of resignation and cynicism to see a new possibility.
In every aspect of our lives we have choices, and the choices that we make have consequences. There is really no wrong or right choice there is only the choice that leads you on the path you intended or takes you away from that path. Detours from our path are not bad or wrong, they just ARE. Just like if you were driving on a highway and took a wrong exit, all you have to do is find the right exit and get back on path.
How do we begin the process of letting go of resignation and cynicism to see this new possibility?
It starts with the willingness to try on a view other than the one that currently exists…a willingness to step outside of your “perceived self” and your “Perceived world”.
Try filling in the blank of the statement “If I had it all my way, _______” . Be authentic about the way you answer this question. What do you truly want for your life, for your family, for your career, and even for the world? Now as you continue to do this exercise of “If I had it all my way…” begin to believe…no REALIZE that this is all very POSSIBILE (don’t let your hater brain sneak in with the “yeah it’s possible but not probably” remark). When you begin to see the new possibilities, then you can begin to act inside of that new possibility. When you begin to act inside of that possibility you begin to feel more empowered to take actions consistent with the possibility therefore creating new pathways for fulfillment.
The other thing that must occur as you begin to create and then become your possibility is to know where inside of your life you have a loss of power in creating this new “thing” that has now become possible giving you all of this new vigor and excitement. Generally, these are the limiting beliefs I like to call the little “hater messages” that pop up inside your head stopping you at every turn. These messages range anywhere from “this is impossible” to “what will people say or think” to “I’m going to look crazy or stupid” to “you’re not smart enough….good enough…educated enough….financially stable enough….popular enough….experienced enough…” and the list goes on and on. If you are experiencing these “little hater voices”, don’t worry it’s normal…just tell those “little haters” inside of your head “thank you for sharing, but I don’t need your input”.
This practice requires you to be awake and aware at all times. These messages are subtle and ingrained in our minds, and it requires a disciplined daily practice to even begin to master the “little hater thoughts” and creating new possibilities. I certainly don’t want to oversimplify it or make it seem easy, but if you begin with just these first couple of exercises above (“If I had it all my way, _____) and (telling the “little haters” that you don’t need their input), you will begin to see the new things that can be created in your life.
Recognize that you have choices in life…that first you may be a victim of circumstance, but after time you become a volunteer. Finally, take responsibility for the choices you have made in your life without judging yourself, making yourself wrong, or punishing yourself so that you can begin to let those old belief systems that got you where you are, and create new possibilities that will give you fulfillment in life.
WEEK 2 WELLNESS DARE: TAKE RESPONSIBILITY IN YOUR CAREER! So often we put off our dreams and passion b/c life is getting in the way. It's time to stop letting Life get in the way, and take responsibility for your Living!
Join the challenge! Visit www.drmaiysha.com daily and connect with us through Facebook and Twitter for daily inspirations and dialogue about your and others successes and challenges each week.
Copyright 1/14/2012
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Friday, January 20, 2012
Foodie Friday! Feature: Lobia Masala Recipe
Prep Time: 4 hours, 10 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 4 hours, 30 minutes
Serving Size: 3
cup lobia/black eyed beans
1/2 inch piece ginger chopped
4 garlic flakes chopped
1 medium sized onion chopped
1 green chili chopped
1/2 cup chopped coriander leaves
2 tomatoes chopped
1 bay leaf
1-2 cloves
1/2 inch piece of cinnamon
1 small cardamom
1/2 tsp pepper powder (optional)
2 tsp coriander powder
1/2 tsp cumin seeds
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1/4 tsp red chilli powder
4 and half cups of water
2 tbsp oil
Soak the lobia overnight or for a few hours.
In a pressure cooker or pressure pan, heat oil.
Add the whole garam masala. When they start to sizzle, add the cumin seeds. Once the cumin seeds sizzles, add the onions.
Fry the onions till they become transparent. Now add the chopped ginger-garlic-chili. Fry till the raw smell of the ginger and garlic disappear.
Add the tomatoes and stir fry the masala till the tomatoes become soft and the entire tomato-onion mixture starts to leave the sides of the pan or cooker. This process of bhuno —– as it is called in punjabi takes some time. Make sure to fry the masala on a low flame. You could add all the masala powders now and fry for a minute.
Now add the soaked lobia. Stir well. Add water, salt and pressure cook till the lobia is cooked. I cooked it for 8-9 whistles as I had not soaked it for only half an hour. If you have soaked it overnight or for 2-3 hours, it will take less time to cook. The lobia or chawli should be soft enough and when pressed with your fingers, it should get mashed easily. Check the lobia once its done. If you want to have less gravy or curry, you could reduce the water content by cooking without the lid for some more time.
Garnish with chopped coriander leaves. Serve with rotis or rice.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
If Not You, Then Who?
Not trying to put you on the spot personally, but if you really think about it, it’s SO much easier to blame all of our short comings or issues on someone or something else. Think about it, there’re many of us that have almost perfected the art of pointing a finger or passing the buck. All for the temporary satisfaction of not having to be wrong or out of sync. Can’t you hear you saying, “Well I would’ve lost more weight last year if so and so would have gone with me to the gym.” Or “The reason my relationship isn’t working is because he/she doesn’t put enough effort into it.” Or “I would’ve saved more money by now but I had to lend so and so some and it threw me off.” STOP IT!!! (sorry for yelling. J) Enough already! In no way am I suggesting that things haven’t happened to possibly contribute to slowing you down. However, the truth of the matter is YOU are the common denominator in every situation that hasn’t worked out thus far. The bottom line is if we’re going step things up then we’ve got to take strides to get rid of some of OUR stuff. Understand that the key phrase here is “OUR STUFF”. It’s yours (mine) and no one is more responsible for your joy, peace and progress than YOU! Nobody can or should want more for you than you. Even if your goals and aspirations for this year or life going forward include others, you are responsible for your well being first and then adding that to the mix of other strong and progressive people. Again, understanding that self reflection or taking self responsibility is not easy, here are a few suggestions to help in the process:
- Evaluate Don’t Exaggerate - This process is part of your personal mental, spiritual, and emotional cleanse. It’s meant to be a good thing for your present and your future. Don’t be overly hard on yourself on what was, focus on what’s going to be.
- Go For The Gold - One of the ways that you can keep this process closer to the positive side of your perspective is to set goals for yourself that YOU have to accomplish on your own. There is nothing like a personal sense of accomplishment in order to strengthen your resolve.
- Journal Your Journey– It’s always good to keep a journal where you can write your goals, accomplishments, shortcoming and even roadblocks if necessary. Writing things down actually keeps you accountable and can show you clearly areas where you may tend to want to dump the responsibility of you off on someone else.
- Learn, Listen and Love YOU – If we’re going to shed our “stuff” so we can move on, there’s a slight process of relearning who we are and even more importantly who we’re working to be. In the process of LEARNING this new more responsible you, don’t be afraid to LISTEN to your true heart. No more telling yourself what you can’t do or what you aren’t. LISTEN to the power coming from within your heart. The more responsible, respectable and resilient you is speaking, LISTEN! Finally, LOVING yourself is one of the most powerful fuel sources that any of us could ever wish to have. As I’ve stated, taking self responsibility may not be easy at first, but the more learn to LOVE you, is the more you will be able to reflect, release and regroup.
Article presented by Gary Walsh Jr., “The Engagement Strategist”, is a Best Selling Author, Radio Show Host, Professional Speaker and Coach/Consultant whose passion is to help individuals, organizations, companies, groups and teams solve productivity problems by bringing the zeal back into the workforce and their lives. Mr. Walsh is a contributing Best Selling Author in the recently released book “Fight For Your Dreams!” a collaborative effort with Motivational Speaker Les Brown. As well as in the process of completing two solo literary projects “Dream Out Loud!” (A motivational series) and “Leading For Life!” (An empowering guide on engaged leadership) Gary can be heard each Monday night at 6pm EST as the host of Zeal Talk Radio on www.rocktheflow.com. Contact Gary via www.zealgroup.com or connect with him via Face Book Fan page – Success In Motion, Inc. & Twitter @garysuccess
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Look in the Mirror
Are you stuck in the blame game. Remember that when you point your one finger at someone else, there are 4 fingers pointing right back at you. Have the courage to look at your own behaviors the next time you have the urge to take someone else's inventory.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Motivational Tip: Seeing Your Part in the Disagreement
Have you had a disagreement with you significant other? In order to take 100% responsibility you must look at your part in the situation. Are you courageous enough to take 100% responsibility? Tell me how it's going! I want to hear your testimonials
Monday, January 16, 2012
Developing New Healthy Habits in 2012: The Process of Change
It used to be that every year we’d make resolutions for new behaviors; “This year I’m going to lose that 40 lbs” “This year I’m going to quit smoking”, “This year I’m going to pay off my debts” “This is the year I’m going to start my business & live my passion”.
Now a days, people are laying down the idea of resolutions (because often times they never keep them anyway), in support of just trying to develop healthier and more fulfilling lives all around.
While a great shift from simply making a resolution that you know you won’t keep, a problem still exists. Actually implementing new behaviors and setting up successful systems to support that behavior seem to be the missing link between starting and maintaining that new healthy habit you’ve committed to. Changing behaviors really is a process that involves a sort of planning in advanced. You have nine mental process that you must go through when changing a behavior, and six actual stages in the implementation of the change. The stages of change begin with Pre-contemplation which is the time in which there is come type of wake up call that alerts you to the fact that a change is needed. This usually comes in the form of a health scare or a major conflict in a relationship or job. In the second stage of Contemplation, you begin to assess the old way of being/thinking. All of the emotions and thoughts move you towards considering implementing a new action, behavior, or way of being. The next stage is the stage that is often missed (which is why so many new actions and behaviors failed to be maintained). This stage is Preparation. When we are preparing to implement a new change, we must look at all of the possible pitfalls, temptations, and scenarios in order to have a back up or contingency plan. For example, if you are trying to eat healthier, you will want to consider getting rid of junk already in the house, looking at new restaurants that support your healthy eating, looking up tasty and easy recipes that both you and the family will like, and engaging others to support you in your new challenge (be it family, friends, weight watchers, meetup group, etc) so that you will not feel like the lone ranger in your new challenge. You may also think about what will happen if you travel, if you attend a potluck, during holidays, if you have a serious craving for something super unhealthy (who will you call or what will you do)? This type of preparation will help you to feel secure that you won’t be caught off guard during your challenge and increases the risk of success. Once you have properly planned and prepared your new strategy it’s time to implement the Action. Preparation makes this part easy as you have all of the tools in front of you. However, now that you have begun the action, you move into the stage of Maintenance. During this time there is continued evaluation of the plan, occasional “relapse” into old behavior (and “getting back on the boat”), and the ongoing utilization of support systems to keep you motivated, encouraged, and on track. The key in this stage is to recognize that “falling off the wagon” doesn’t mean you are a weak or bad person…it simply means you need to consider whatever situation that had you fall of the boat and plan for it next time (in other words, more preparation and more support). The great thing about relapse (also called recycling ) is that it’s really NOT a failure, only a message that your planning was inadequate for your action. The final stage (which does not apply in all cases) is Termination. This stage only applies if you are Ceasing a negative behavior, thinking, or way of being (i.e. quitting smoking). Keep in mind that Recycling or Relapse can occur in this stage too. But again, it doesn’t mean weakness or failure…just means more planning and support are needed to achieve long term success in this area.
So now that you are aware of these stages it is important to know that it takes 21 days of practice to form a solid habit. In these next 12 months, I will be facilitating the implementation of new healthy behaviors in nine areas of life. Each week we will implement a new challenge in that area so as to help you develop practices within the theme for that month. By the end of the month you will have developed new tools to support you in the new behavior for that area of life. By the end of the year, your life will be transformed!
Join the rest of the world in creating new healthy habits, behaviors and ways of being! Visit www.drmaiysha.com/blog daily and connect with us through Facebook and Twitter for daily inspirations and dialogue about your and others successes and challenges each week.
Copyright 1/14/2012
Friday, January 13, 2012
Foodie Fridays is BACK! Feature: Greek Pasta Salad
This recipe comes from the cookbook: Stop and Smell the Rosemary, but I found it on The Cooksmasher Blog (www.cooksmasher.com). Not only is this easy to make, but it's riddled with flavor and pretty good in the calorie department. If you are a meat eater and want to add a little protein you can add chicken and if you are vegetarian and want to add some more protein try a little seasoned firm tofu!
- 2/3 c. olive oil
- 6 TBSP fresh lemon juice
- 1/4 c. red wine vinegar
- 4 garlic cloves, minced
- 3 TBSP fresh oregano, minced
- 1 tsp. salt
- 1 tsp. pepper
- 12 oz. pasta
- 1 1/2 c. grape tomatoes, halved
- 3 ribs celery, chopped
- 1 cucumber, peeled and chopped
- 5 green onions, chopped
- 2 green bell peppers, seeded and chopped
- 1 1/2 c. chopped fresh parsley
- 12 oz. feta cheese, crumbled
- 20 Greek olives, pitted (optional)
- Grilled seasoned tofu firm
- Grilled chicken breasts (optional)
- Whisk oil, lemon juice, vinegar, garlic, oregano, salt, and pepper until combined. Set aside.
- Cook pasta according to directions on box. Combine pasta, tomatoes, celery, cucumber, green onions, bell peppers, parsley, and feta (if using olives and/or pepperoncini add now) in a large serving bowl. Pour dressing over salad and toss to coat. Cover and refrigerate 2 to 3 hours to allow flavors to blend. Serve with grilled chicken if desired
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Top 10 Flu Shot Alternatives by Matt Budd
Preface: Thanks to contributor Matt Budd for agreeing to be our guest writer for this month! We hope to see more posts from him in the future. To read more about Matt, visit his page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Horin-Acupuncture/147789978642485
Top 10 flu shot alternatives
Boosting your immunity is important for coping with the cold and flu season. Of course, getting a flu shot with dubious efficacy is not one of them. All vaccines depress the immune system and can cause lifelong neurological damage and autoimmune diseases. I also prescribe herbal medicine in Chester/Cheshire area to help beat off those winter blues such as SAD syndrome, colds and flu. Below are some top tips to keep your immune system up to scratch.
- Elderberry for Cures: Elderberry extracts or syrups have been clinically proven to help get over colds and flu. It’s not a drug. So it’s cheaper and without the side effects that have been reported for Tamiflu. If you hurry, you can make your own tincture and save money.
- Protective Supplements: Elderberry is curative. Echinacea herbs are protective. They’re usually sold in tinctures or extracts. Vitamin C is protective and, in large quantities, curative. Zinc is a helpful mineral for protecting against colds. Increase them with the right foods or supplements.
- Minimize Sugar: Ease up on sodas, pastries and such. You’ve probably had enough ice cream during the summer. A few grams of sugar can destroy your white blood cells’ ability to resist infections for several hours.
- Eat for the season – Root vegetables, soups and slow-cooked stews and casseroles are all favourites for the winter, as are beans and lentils. Don’t worry about calories (although avoid using too much fat and sugar in your cooking). Focus instead on the nutritional content. It’s normal to gain up to 4kg in the winter. This makes up part of your yin for the yang months.
- Eat more Garlic and Onion: Besides being rich in antioxidants and selenium, garlic is antibacterial and antiviral. Both garlic and onions are part of the Allium family, which is rich in sulfur-containing compounds responsible for many of their health-promoting effects.
- Exercise: Moderate exercise, even walking a mile or two at least three times a week, helps your lymph system cleanse impurities to boost your immune system. Avoid long gruelling workouts. A brisk walk every day is all you need in the winter. Mindful practices such as winter chi ball, qi gong, tai chi, yoga, Pilates and Feldenkrais are also excellent for building and balancing yin and yang.
- Stress Less: This should be an all year practice. Many consider stress or anxiety as the leading cause for decreased immunity. Lighten up. Try meditation or yoga. Laugh more. Be less critical. Worry less.
- Sleep: Not necessarily more, but better. Make sure where you sleep is totally dark so your melatonin production will be sufficient. There are melatonin supplements if you feel the need. The different phases of sleep contain two cycles that are deep enough to refurbish your immune system. You need to sleep through them.
- Probiotics: Your body contains ten times more bacteria than cells. Most of them have to be friendly. Friendly bacteria not only attack pathogenic bacteria and fungi, but also they trigger appropriate white cell reactions to invaders and they influence your mental/emotional state. It’s estimated that eighty percent of your 100 trillion bacteria are located in the gut . Friendly bacteria are usually depleted, especially by GMOs. We all need probiotic foods and supplements. Commercial yogurt is insufficient. Raw milk and raw cheese, fermented foods, and water kefir or milk kefir should be staples . There are probiotic supplements as well. If you’re forced into taking antibiotics, double up with probiotic supplements.
- Vitamin D3: If you live in a year round warm sunny area, you’ll need to make sure you get plenty of sun to skin exposure. If your regional climate restricts sun exposure, take your Vitamin D3 supplements. You can check your Vitamin D3 blood levels, but many experts recommend five to ten thousand units daily.
If you have any questions, rest and don’t hesitate to call Matthew for advice at Chester Horin Acupuncture . If you require an appointment please do not hesitate to contact me on 07725736527 , I would be more than happy to help.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Romantic Tuesday: Make A Special Appointment
Jot a note in your lover's dayplanner or private appointment book that says "Sex @ 7pm" or whatever time is convenient. You can bet they will be home in time.
Monday, January 2, 2012
Mindful Monday! Create Your 2012
Imagination makes room 4 ALL of the possibilities! But imagination without action does not move u closer to anything! So imagine,Create,&Act!
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Serenity Sunday: What Are You Creating for 2012?
Everyday we create the kind of day we will have! And similarly every year we create the kind of year we will ultimately experience. What are you creating for 2012. Make it a happy, fun, productive, prosperous, serene, and G-O-D filled year for yourself!!!