In our lives it’s easy to become a victim of our circumstance. It’s easy to say, “I’m just a product of my environment”, “I just have to deal with my job/ boss/ husband / wife/ significant other. What we fail to realize in these statements of resignation is that many others have similar circumstances as we do, and have a different view…a view of hope and empowerment. Although at some point we may have been a victim of our life circumstances, after time we become volunteers. We choose to continue to be cynical and resigned. We choose to hold on to old belief systems that are clearly not working for us, and the worse thing is that when someone tries to challenge these old, destructive belief systems we fight to the death to hold on to them…to be right, to be justified in our thoughts, feelings, and actions.
But if you are willing to really look at yourself, ask the following questions:
- What has complaining really ever gotten me in my life?
- When has blaming other people, situations, or institution solved an issue and created happiness and fulfillment in my life?
- How are my limiting beliefs, justifications, desires to be liked, noticed, right or have the last say with everything and everyone really helping me move forward?
- When has taking ANOTHER person’s inventory really done any good in my life or the life of another?
If you truly feel that you have nothing to transform in this area, then you can stop reading this article right now. However, if you see that there may be room for growth in this area then you have already taken a monstrous step…a willingness to let go of resignation and cynicism to see a new possibility.
In every aspect of our lives we have choices, and the choices that we make have consequences. There is really no wrong or right choice there is only the choice that leads you on the path you intended or takes you away from that path. Detours from our path are not bad or wrong, they just ARE. Just like if you were driving on a highway and took a wrong exit, all you have to do is find the right exit and get back on path.
How do we begin the process of letting go of resignation and cynicism to see this new possibility?
It starts with the willingness to try on a view other than the one that currently exists…a willingness to step outside of your “perceived self” and your “Perceived world”.
Try filling in the blank of the statement “If I had it all my way, _______” . Be authentic about the way you answer this question. What do you truly want for your life, for your family, for your career, and even for the world? Now as you continue to do this exercise of “If I had it all my way…” begin to believe…no REALIZE that this is all very POSSIBILE (don’t let your hater brain sneak in with the “yeah it’s possible but not probably” remark). When you begin to see the new possibilities, then you can begin to act inside of that new possibility. When you begin to act inside of that possibility you begin to feel more empowered to take actions consistent with the possibility therefore creating new pathways for fulfillment.
The other thing that must occur as you begin to create and then become your possibility is to know where inside of your life you have a loss of power in creating this new “thing” that has now become possible giving you all of this new vigor and excitement. Generally, these are the limiting beliefs I like to call the little “hater messages” that pop up inside your head stopping you at every turn. These messages range anywhere from “this is impossible” to “what will people say or think” to “I’m going to look crazy or stupid” to “you’re not smart enough….good enough…educated enough….financially stable enough….popular enough….experienced enough…” and the list goes on and on. If you are experiencing these “little hater voices”, don’t worry it’s normal…just tell those “little haters” inside of your head “thank you for sharing, but I don’t need your input”.
This practice requires you to be awake and aware at all times. These messages are subtle and ingrained in our minds, and it requires a disciplined daily practice to even begin to master the “little hater thoughts” and creating new possibilities. I certainly don’t want to oversimplify it or make it seem easy, but if you begin with just these first couple of exercises above (“If I had it all my way, _____) and (telling the “little haters” that you don’t need their input), you will begin to see the new things that can be created in your life.
Recognize that you have choices in life…that first you may be a victim of circumstance, but after time you become a volunteer. Finally, take responsibility for the choices you have made in your life without judging yourself, making yourself wrong, or punishing yourself so that you can begin to let those old belief systems that got you where you are, and create new possibilities that will give you fulfillment in life.
WEEK 2 WELLNESS DARE: TAKE RESPONSIBILITY IN YOUR CAREER! So often we put off our dreams and passion b/c life is getting in the way. It's time to stop letting Life get in the way, and take responsibility for your Living!
Join the challenge! Visit daily and connect with us through Facebook and Twitter for daily inspirations and dialogue about your and others successes and challenges each week.
Copyright 1/14/2012
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