Monday, January 30, 2012

Is Life Getting in the Way of Love in Your Life


How many times have you said to yourself or someone else “I know I was supposed to do so and so, but life got in the way”.  I hear it all to often. In fact, I SAY it all to often.  This weekend I participated in some Communication work with the Landmark Education Center here in Atlanta, and I really got clear that I was setting the stage for all of the relationships in my life by how I was communicating.  I really got that I was the one who was creating powerful communication is some areas and chaotic communication in others; I was not a victim of Life, I was creating it.  This morning as I was preparing my breakfast a friend came to mind and I decided to pick up the phone and call her.  As I was leaving her a message on her voicemail, I preceded to say that I think of calling her often but “life gets in the way” and then I caught myself.  I then declared that I was not going to let life get in the way of our connection any longer.

How many times have you thought of someone you loved, and then forgotten to call because “life got in the way”?

How many times have you thought of a dream you’d like to pursue, but “life got in the way”?

How many times have you broken a promise because “life got in the way?”

The truth is, Life does NOT get in the way, WE PUT “Life” in the way.

We use “Life” as an excuse so that we don’t have to take responsibility for that which we truly want, and then DO something about it.

We are the ones who chose to let go of our dreams.

We are the ones who chose career over spouse and/or family.

We are the ones who chose work over friends and social life.

We are the ones who chose not to make time for exercise.

We are the ones who chose to be too busy to call the people you love.

We are the ones who chose to continue to eat fast food.

We are the ones who chose to WAIT until things were perfect to move forward.

We are the ones…not LIFE who chose all of these things….

Let me be clear, I’m not making it wrong that life gets in the way, it’s just something to recognize.  “Life gets in the way”, causes us to put off all of the things and people we love and then we die….or worse, SOMEONE ELSE dies.  Then we are left feeling regretful of that which we wish we had done or said.

It’s time that we take responsibility for not only our LIFE but for our LOVE and FULFILLMENT.

There are many ways to do that, but one of the most powerful ways to begin is ACKNOWLEDGMENT.  This is acknowledging ourselves and others.  Acknowledgement is as easy as saying “thank you”, “good job”, “I love you”, or as simple as giving someone a hug, picking up the phone and letting someone know you are thinking about them, and even in the digital age, sending them a text with a loving message.  We often overlook the power and generosity that acknowledgment brings to our lives and the lives of others.


In the month of February, we are focusing on developing a daily practice of LOVE in our lives.  This includes being loving to ourselves as well as appreciating and being loving towards others.

THIS WEEK’S CHALLENGE:  Be Generous and Powerful this week by Acknowledging at least 2 people in your life (personal or work) every day.  If you think you don’t have anything to acknowledge the people in your life for, you are not looking hard enough.  Look at the things you take for granted.  Say thank you, I love you, Good job, I appreciate you. Give a hug, send a text or an email, post a message on a Facebook page.   And when the week is over, don’t let the acknowlegement stop.  Remember that these challenges are an access to creating lasting new behaviors that give you more fulfillment in all areas of your life!

Join the challenge! Visit daily and connect with us through Facebook and Twitter for daily inspirations and dialogue about your and others successes and challenges each week.

Maiysha Clairborne MD

Copyright 1/23/12








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